Volker Jordan
Dipl.-Phys., Dr.-Ing., Patent Attorney, European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative, European Trademark and Design Attorney
German Patent Attorney 1997
European Patent Attorney since 1998
UPC Representative since 2023
European Trademark and Design Attorney since 1997
Partner since 2000
Richard-Strauss-Straße 80
81679 München
+49 (0)89 - 45563 0
Fields of Activity
- Drafting of patent and utility model applications
- Patent grant and opposition proceedings before the German Patent and Trademark Office, the Federal Patent Court and the European Patent Office;
- Nullity proceedings before the Federal Patent Court and the Federal Court of Justice
- Infringement proceedings before civil courts
- Licensing agreements
- Freedom-to-operate and due-diligence analyses
- Expert in the following technical fields: mechanical engineering/mechanics, including bicycle technology; optics; telecommunications/mobile telecommunications; computer-related inventions
- Particular interests: Validity and infringement disputes, especially oppositions against German and European patents
- Best Lawyers (Intellectual Property Law, Germany) since 2021
- JUVE Patent (Litigation: Patent Attorneys, Germany) recommended individual 2020
- Studied Physics at the University of Hanover and the Imperial College of Science and Technology in London, with focus on applied optics and laser physics; dissertation on quantum optics (diploma 1987)
- Scientific assistant for four years at the Institute for General Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics of the Technical University of Munich, doing research in optoelectronics
- Doctoral thesis on semiconductor laser technology at the Department for Electrical Engineering at the Technical University of Munich (Dr.-Ing. 1994)
- Has been working in intellectual property since 1993
Memberships and other activities
- German Chamber of Patent Attorneys (Patentanwaltskammer)
- epi (European Patent Institute)
- FICPI (International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys)
- GRUR (German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property)
- VPP (Association of Intellectual Property Experts)
- German
- English