Patent Attorney Michael Dey
Dipl.-Chem., Dr. rer. nat., European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative, European Trademark and Design Attorney
German Patent Attorney since 1999
European Patent Attorney since 2000
UPC Representative since 2023
European Trademark and Design Attorney since 1999
Partner since 2001
Richard-Strauss-Straße 80
81679 München
+49 (0)89 - 45563 0
Fields of Activity
- Polymers, metallurgy, inorganic chemistry
- Active pharmaceutical agents, biotechnology
- Patent grant and opposition proceedings before the European Patent Office, the German Patent and Trademark Office and the Federal Patent Court
- Nullity and infringement proceedings
- Expert opinions, particularly freedom-to-operate analyses and analyses of legal validity
- Licensing agreements
- Providing strategic advice for clients
- Best Lawyers (Intellectual Property Law, Germany) since 2021
- Studied Chemistry with focus on polymers at Technical University of Munich
- Graduate thesis and doctoral thesis at the Institute for Physical Chemistry of Technical University of Munich in the field of analysis of biomolecules (diploma 1990; Dr. rer. nat. 1993)
- Postdoc at the University of California, Riverside, USA, in the field of analytical chemistry
- Has been working in intellectual property since 1995
Memberships and other activities
- German Chamber of Patent Attorneys (Patentanwaltskammer)
- epi (European Patent Institute)
- German
- English